Daly Aisling

@KERMIT, office 110.51
(+32) 9 264.59.40

linkedin logo Daly Aisling
ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3390-2495
Biblio logoBiblio UGent

Research Interests: Modelling of biological processes using spatio-temporal models

Journal papers

Biblio logo(2) The impact of resource dependence of the mechanisms of life on the spatial population dynamics of an in silico microbial community
A.J. Daly, J.M. Baetens and B. De Baets
(2016) CHAOS. 26, 123121.
Biblio logo(1) In silico substrate dependence increases community productivity, threatens biodiversity
A.J. Daly, J.M. Baetens and B. De Baets
(2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 93, 042414.